So basically my boyfriend and I had been planning on buying my mom a new vacuum for Christmas to satisfy her vacuuming needs to their fullest extent...
Mom, Dad, Colby, and I all drove up to Omaha to go family Christmas shopping together. We told everyone the plan ahead of time in the car. "Colby and I are going to run into Walmart, get mom's gift, and bring back out the the truck. We'll put it in the backseat until everyone's ready to go and then we'll switch it into the bed."
After dashing through Walmart and loading the very obvious vacuum into our cart, we played aisle tag with mom. Peering through clothing wracks and ninja sprinting across aisles, we finally made it to the cash register. Our cashier was a friendly, nice..... old, confused, and mentally incapable lady. After three attempts of scanning the vacuum she finally got it to ring up.
SAFETY AT LAST! Or so we thought....Of course the security alarms at the door had to go off.
After facing public humiliation, we ran through the parking lot searching for the right truck. Two white trucks later and a numb face we finally find the right one. Call mom and walk with her back out to the truck. Successfully transfer the package, only to realize we are missing one thing... Dad. Call Dad.
Me: "Dad we're ready to go, where are you?"
Dad: "I'm right here."
Me: "Where's right here?"
Dad: "I'm right here!"
Me: "Where!?"
Dad: "Mcdonald's..."
Me: "ugh why!?! C'mon! We're ready to go."
Dad: "well I dunno! Your mom told me to wait here!"
Mom, Colby, and I all get into the truck and watch Dad mosey his way across the parking lot just taking his sweet time. At this point we're all cranky, annoyed, and tired of shopping. Staring into our own little world's, just wanting to go home and get it all over with.
Dad opens the driver's door. Peers around with a puzzled look on his face and then asks with complete innocence, "Hey! Who put that vacuum in the back of our truck? :D"
And that is how Dad ruined Christmas.