It's only $40 but I'm stingy and live for the thrill of pissing off the parking Nazi. Forty dollars and I could walk out to my car like a normal person instead of sprinting to beat "The Man." It is forty dollars for a student parking permit and I have yet to purchase one. I've spent the last 3 weeks avoiding the security man on campus. I'm sure he knows me well. We've had many encounters but I somehow always manage to escape...
It was a quiet Tuesday morning and a beautiful day might I add. I had decided to feast upon chinese food for lunch with one of my friends. I begin my journey to my car with a lovely stroll under the oak trees and a careful crossing of the street. (Always look both ways!) That's when I spotted him.
He's a big man....and bald. Reminds me a lot of Paul Blart off Mall Cop. An average joe just doing his job and threatening the wallets of poor college students with his damn parking tickets. He cruises the aisles of the parking lot looking for his next victim. He fails to actually pertain any knowledge of the real law. His life is cruising, looking like a badass (he's not), and coffee.
I could see him but he had no idea what was coming. He was writing ticket after ticket after ticket. Glancing at the parking lot gave me an idea of what I was up against. Little white papers, flapping in the wind, were secured under every wiper for two whole rows and I was next.
He was standing RIGHT next to my car. The poor sucker next to me was not as lucky as I. I got inside, buckled up, and debated what I should do. I decided to peel. I put my car in reverse and quickly backed out. He glared at me with his, "I'll get you next time" look. My first escape and it felt good.