Ok so apparently hurricanes DO exist in Nebraska and if not... someone needs to explain what the hell whipped through our town last night!
Seriously, it's 2:45 AM and I wake up to 80 MPH of wind, sheet rain, hail, thunder, and lightning. Being the curious person I am, I crawled out of bed and lazily strolled to the front window. I casually peered out hoping to catch some excitement for once in the dull town. Instead....I see that my lawn chair has blown into the middle of the highway!
So, I yell, "COLBY!!!!! OUR LAWN CHAIR IS IN THE HIGHWAY!!!" He comes fumbling down the hallway griping to me about it being 2:45 in the morning with a, "Well the hell am I supposed to do!?" I tell him he needs to go out there and get it before someone crashes!
He runs around the house looking for something to wear and ends up asking me where the umbrella is at. Well...earlier that week I used it...and didn't put it back....so it was in my car. (oops.)
He throws another fit before running out into the street at a full sprint in just his boxers!
It's 2:45 in the morning and I'm standing inside watching my boyfriend sprint into the highway wearing only his boxers because of a lawn chair. This is the not so average world.